
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 items

Prospective Sudents

We recruit the "stars" of tomorrow who manage at the highest level in the hospitality industry locally or worldwide. All candidates are interviewed irrespective of pre-requisites to date.

International Students

At S.A.H.T.C. -The Hospitality School we also take international students to train. Potential applicants are advised that in order for a non Zimbabwean resident to study in the country, they need to possess the following:

Why Choose Us?

Learn and practice; skills through a variety of learning and teaching methods such as formal lectures, practical demonstrations, small group exercises, case study discussions, videos, professional visits and so much more. A diverse student

Prospective Sudents

We recruit the "stars" of tomorrow who manage at the highest level in the hospitality industry locally or worldwide. All candidates are interviewed irrespective of pre-requisites to date.

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International Students

At S.A.H.T.C. -The Hospitality School we also take international students to train. Potential applicants are advised that in order for a non Zimbabwean resident to study in the country, they need to possess the following:

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Why Choose Us?

Learn and practice; skills through a variety of learning and teaching methods such as formal lectures, practical demonstrations, small group exercises, case study discussions, videos, professional visits and so much more. A diverse student

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Showing 1 to 9 of 9 items